Uses Canvas only and is extensible via JavaScript plugins. Construct 2: One of the first WebGL–enabled HTML5 game engines, it exports purely to HTML5 and JavaScript.Your game can be published on all major app stores as well as other distribution channels. With one single JavaScript code base you can run your game in web browsers and on native platforms including Mac OS X, Windows, iOS and Android.
'Code once, run everywhere' is incredibly easy and natural in Cocos2D JS.
Cocos2D JS: Provides a consistent development experience for whichever platform you want to distribute to, web or native.Crafty: A 2D JavaScript–based game framework.Canvace: An HTML5 game platform for creating 2D and 2.5D games.With HTML and the Entity-Component ecosystem. Works across HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, desktop, and mobile platforms. A-Frame: A web framework for building 3D and VR experiences.The following are game engines implemented with HTML5 and JavaScript: